
Creating user experiences that are to die for

I'm a full-stack serverless developer, with a front-end focus, that translates business problems and backend requirements into scalable, easy-to-use elegant User Interfaces that blow your users away while increasing business returns


Projects built at work and freelance


Built with Typescript, Firebase and Nx tooling

A startup that helps property owners easily manage their property

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Built with Typescript, Capacitor, Firebase and Nx tooling

A startup that helps fight food insecurity by empowering farmers to better cope with climate change

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Built with NextJS and the Hashnode API

My portfolio version 2 built with create-next-app and hosted on the Netlify platform. It consumes the Hashnode API

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Hey there...

My name is Fatuma, from Kenya. I'm a MSc. CIS graduate, a mom, a woman who transitioned into tech from a purely business background (including a failed business). And, of course, I love to code beautiful experiences that meet your business goals while delighting your users. I also enjoy swimming, reading and creating developer-focused content

Sounds interesting? Get in touch via the form below and let's talk. You can also find me at:


Get in Touch

Have a project or a job offer you'd like to discuss? Fill in the form and I'll get right back to you. Or send a direct email to: biz@hijabicoder.dev

Delicately crafted by: Fatuma A - HijabiCoder

Using NextJs

Hosted on Netlify